Parish Councils

St. Anne Pastoral Council brings together lay people, religious and the pastor to work together to build the parish as a living Christian Faith community. The role of Pastoral Council is to care for the pastoral needs of our parish; other communities in the archdiocese; and the universal church. Our Council strives to bring the Gospel message to all people in our neighbourhood. Through prayer, reflection, planning, and action, St. Anne Pastoral Council mindfully considers and responds to the needs of the faithful.

The role of the St. Anne Finance Council is to be at the service of our Pastoral Council. The Finance Council is responsible for the administration of St. Anne Parish financial affairs and building maintenance in regulation with Archdiocesan guidelines. Generally, the Finance Council strives to be sensitive and responsive to the needs for financial support identified by the pastoral council. The Finance Council is the steward of St. Anne Parish material resources.


Click here for the Archdiocese of Regina Guidelines for Pastoral and Finance Council.

Pastoral Council

Pastor:  Fr. Guy Amedee

Chairperson: Brad Breit

Vice-Chairperson: VACANT

Liturgy: VACANT

Hospitality: VACANT

Social Justice: VACANT

Youth and Young Adult: VACANT

K of C: Brad Breit

CWL: Anita Hanna

Member: Bert Pitzel

Member: Joshua Kopriva

Finance Council

Pastor: Fr. Guy Amedee

Chairperson: Raymond Arscott

Vice-Chairperson: Steve Hom

Building & Grounds:  Kelly Nelson & Bert Perrault

Bookkeeper: Eugene Jacques

Member: Frank Dornstauder

Member: Marilyn Wappel