Liturgy & Worship
The Mass is the most important and highest prayer of the Church; it is the most important thing we do as Community.
As a parish community, we work together, with Christ, to give God thanks and praise. Our liturgical ministers are an important team in serving the assembly gathered for Mass. Serving the congregation while we do our holy actions through these ministries is a way of growing closer to God. We cannot see God, but when we do something for the people that we do see, we do those things for God.
If you are interested in volunteering for any of our ministries, please contact the office.
(currently seeking volunteers)
Sacristans ensures liturgical supplies are purchased when needed. They prepare and set out liturgical vessels for Mass with an adequate supply of altar bread and wine for each Mass. They assist in setting up the altar and ensuring altar linens are cleaned and ready for the next use. This volunteer role could be shared by a few individuals and is part of the Liturgy Committee, working in collaboration with the Liturgy Chair and the Pastor.
Mass Coordinator
The Mass Coordinator ensures all required roles are filled prior to Mass commencing. They assist the liturgy by securing any 'last minute" fill-ins should a volunteer be missing.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest in distributing the Holy Eucharist to our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Lectors prepare and proclaim the first and second readings during Mass. They may also be called upon to lead the Prayers of the Faithful or other readings during Holy Week.
Gift Bearers
Gift bearers bring forward the gifts of bread and wine at the preparation of the Gifts.
Ushers assist parishioners in finding a seat prior to Mass commencing. Should it be required, they may be called upon to assist any parishioners in distress. Ushers also take up collection and deliver it to the office for counting during Mass.
Musicians plan, rehearse and lead music appropriate to the celebration.
Greeters welcome parishioners and visitors as they enter the Parish. They are especially attentive to newcomers as well as children, the elderly and those with special needs.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist the Priest with the conduct of the liturgy including the Procession with crucifix and candles as the start of Mass; escorting children to Children's Liturgy; holding candles during the reading of the Gospel; receiving the gifts of bread and wine from the Gift Bearers and bringing them to the altar; and assisting the Priest with the preparation of and clearning away of the Eucharistic vessels. This ministry is for adults and children (10 and over).
Children's Liturgist
Leader(s) for the Children's Liturgy portion of the Mass prepare and present the Liturgy of the Wod program for young children.
The Environment team coordinates the decoration of the church and worship space, as appropriate to the liturgical season. This includes arranging for and displaying floral decorations as well as arranging items and decorating for special celebrations (baptisms, funerals, liturgical seasons).
Tue | 7:00pm |
Wed | 8:30am |
Thu | 7:00pm |
Fri | 8:30am |
Sat | 5:30pm |
Sun | 9:00am |
Mon | No Mass |